South Gloucestershire Council

Our website is currently unavailable and we’re working to get it back online as soon as possible. If your query is urgent please use the relevant telephone number below.

Service Number
Street care01454 868000
Environmental health and trading standards01454 868001
Benefits01454 868002
Council tax01454 868003
Planning and transportation01454 868004
Housing01454 868005
Leisure and libraries01454 868006
Adult care01454 868007
Children and young people01454 868008
General enquiries/emergencies01454 868009
Concerns about a child (Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Fri 8:30am-4:30pm)01454 866000
Concerns about a child (out of hours and weekends)01454 615165
Concerns about an adult (Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Fri 8:30am-4:30pm)01454 868007
Concerns about an adult (out of hours and weekends)01454 615165
Concerns about a child or adult in an emergency please ring 999
South Gloucestershire Council facebook page